...My life is officially complete. Thats the phrase that keeps coming to mind every since Ive conquered one of the greatest video games of ALL TIME!!!!!! ENTER DRAGON QUEST 4‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ again I would like to start of my review by stating that I have been on a journey to purchase, play, and beat all of the DQ titles available on the App Store, as Ive done months back with the Final Fantasy series. The unfortunate thing though about writing all of these reviews, especially when each installment is better that the last, is the simple fact that it becomes nearly impossible at this point to adequately portray the awe-inspiring majesty of each game I review, and I dont think theres a single game that I have ever reviewed in my entire life that I would like to adequately portray said majesty more than the almighty Dragon Quest.
Where does one begin when trying to review a game of this magnitude? Well I guess I would have to start by talking about the sheer goose bump-inducing orchestration. Dragon Quest 4, without a shadow of a doubt has some of the very best music I have E-V-E-R come across in any RPG...EVER!!! For instance the music that plays when you sail around in the boat would send such monstrously jovial shivers down my spine every single time I heard it, and if I just happened to be playing with headphones whenever I boarded ship, FUGGEHDUHBOUDIT!!
Another mind blowing aspect of the game are the incredibly diverse and wonderfully ethnic dialogue. The writing for this game is over-the-top fantastic that you can almost audibly hear the words in your head. The programmers achieve this feat by adding many different dialects and English translations from many areas across the world, from France to Scotland to Italy to England and so on. By writing out the words in English as it would sound with that foreign accent is just something that needs to be experienced, and its certainly something Ive never seen before Ive started playing Dragon Quest. For instance the French people would always say "ze" when they mean "the" and the British sounding natives would say things like "roit" when they mean "right". These are just a few of the thousands of examples but you get my drift. They even went as far as giving the Italian sounding natives horrible English grammar like "I am for having trouble. Can you be helpful of me" its these subtle yet striking nuances that really make the game stand out. Many people think its just bad Japanese to English translation, but its obviously intended for there are many NPCs in the game that speak perfect English.
Again, even saying all of these things could never truly justify how perfect this game really is. I am very new to the DQ series so a lot of these things are pretty fresh to me considering this is a completely different monster than Final Fantasy. Speaking of monsters, after youve spent a hard day obliterating a pack orcs or cute squishy slimes, you can sit back and enjoy a quick game of DQ poker, or even a couple gorounds at a slot machine, maybe even place a few bets on the monster arena, all located at the casino!! My point is, for those that arent too particularly keen on grinding till your ears bleed (I for one love to grind
UncleSlam Temple about